Saturday, January 31, 2015

Arch-viz Modern Office Building render contest: vote your favorite!

3d challenge modern office bouilding  render contest voting

The  Arch-viz Modern Office Building , International Render Contest, sponsored by Sketchup Texture  is ended tonight. Have participated  65 Countries  with 598 Artworks accepted. Many excellent artworks, and enthusiasm from everyone. absolutely a great challenge!  Congratulations and thanks to all the competitors for participation ! and good luck to all !

From today , until February 6 (midnight Italian time), starts  the popular vote (most like ) The vote is on line,  and NOT REQUIRED REGISTRATION.
You support the competitors by clicking here to vote for your favorite finalist artworks
The 15 art works selected by popular vote, added to the 15 art works  selected by admins and sponsor, will constitute the list of TOP 30 best entries.
The Technical jury will select the winners in the list of TOP 30

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Arch-viz Modern Office Building render contest: vote your favorite!
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